The journey towards eliminating carbon emissions from energy generation has created an exciting market for green investors and developers to shape the future of the UK’s energy networks.
At Omnia, we have an established reputation as a trusted Owner’s Engineer built upon a proven track record of providing independent specialist representation for reliable and bankable energy projects and their associated grid connection.
Our capability and specialism resides within our people, who have a wealth of experience in project delivery in the UK Energy Sector and are specialists in electricity distribution and transmission connections at voltage levels up to and including 400kV.
We provide independent consultancy and technical advisor support for the full life cycle of a project, including feasibility assessments and concept studies, Front End Engineering Design (FEED), grid connection applications and compliance, contract strategy, project delivery and operation.
Our experience includes a wide range of generating technology, including the following;
Engaging Omnia Projects as an independent Owner’s Engineer provides investors and developers with a specialist team of industry experts, thereby providing greater programme, cost and quality certainty.