Our objective is to make a positive contribution to the wellbeing of the environment, communities and professions in which we operate, and carry out our operations on a clear ethical basis considering the economic, social and environmental impacts of our activities on society.
The Clean Energy Revolution is here, and we are excited to play an important role within it.
Steve Crowe
We have an important role to play in helping society to decarbonise the energy sector by working with our clients to facilitate the connection of renewable energy sources and removing fossil fuel generation. This is creating a unique challenge as the UK electricity system adapts to unprecedented levels of decentralised generation, and we are excited by this challenge, but mindful of the significance of delivering for future generations.
Equally, it is important that we all collectively take steps to live and work more sustainably and we are setting an example through our commitment to significantly reduce our own carbon footprint. Our Carbon Reduction Policy has two key goals:
Environmental Policy View policy
Carbon Reduction Policy View policy