Supporting the transition to net zero is just part of Omnia’s purpose. We understand that we also have a responsibility to support our local community to help create a better world for everyone.
Robert Crowe
Community Engagement Officer
We’re continuing to invest in our local communities to help create jobs and fuel economic opportunity. Addressing the engineering skill shortage in the UK is paramount, and we will continue to attract fresh talent into our industry to supplement our more experienced workforce. This includes established connections with local universities and supporting initiatives to attract more women in to the engineering profession. We know we must do more to address the very real consequences of systemic racism that exist in society today, and are doing our part by promoting opportunities for all and tackling discrimination in all its forms.
Our people are our greatest asset, and we continue to encourage them to actively participate in community projects. This gives us all the opportunity to play a part in community life, and contribute to improving the areas where we live and work. This includes making charitable donations and participating in fund raising activities for charities.